The Quran describes Laylatul Qadr, also known as the Night of Power, as “better than a thousand months” (97:3). It is preferable to take any action on this night—such as reciting the Quran or remembering Allah—than to take no action for a thousand months that do not include the night of Qadr.
The last ten nights were when Allah’s Messenger used to devote himself more than at any other time.” (Islamic). Blessings and peace from Allah be upon our esteemed Prophet.
May Allah be pleased with Aisha, she related that during the final ten nights of Ramadan, on an odd-numbered night, seek out Laylatul Qadr (Bukhari).
The Messenger of Allah stated: “Whoever prays during the night of Qadr with faith and hoping for its reward will have all of his previous sins forgiven.” (Recorded from Abu Huraira by Bukhari and Muslims).
These are some suggestions for what to do on the Night of Power and in the days leading up to it.
Below here are the tips to maximize the Last ten days of Ramadan :
1: Perform I’tikaf
I’tikaf, a spiritual retreat that necessitates complete devotion to Allah (swt), is practiced by many people. It is typically done in a mosque, where there aren’t many outside distractions. Worshiping, offering extra prayers, reciting the Qur’an, and making requests are all done during i’tikaf. You can attempt this ritual for a shorter period of time, like one or two nights, even if you are unable to complete it for the full ten days.
2: Seek for forgiveness
Tell me, O Messenger of Allah, what should I say on the night of Qadr if I know when it is? This is the story told of Aisha (ra) asking him. and he answered that you ought to say, “O Allah, pardon me; you are pardoning and you love to pardon.” “Allahumma innaka ‘afuwwun tuhibbul ‘afwa fa’fu ‘annee” (Ahmad) is how this is translated.
Since we are unsure of which of these days the night of power will fall on, it is advised that we say this du’a as often as we can over the course of the last ten days.
3: Keep remembering Allah
It’s simple to overlook adding more dhikr, or prayers, after prayer. Making these supplications is a simple way to obtain extra rewards this Ramadan. Sadly, a lot of us struggle to find time due to work or school; however, making use of unused time is the most sensible way to fit these crucial prayers into our hectic schedules. Thus, you can do dhikr on the train in place of staring around, reading the news, or checking your phone.
4: Make a list of your Dua’s
We frequently have a lot of objectives or desires that we ask Allah to grant. The final ten days of Ramadan are the ideal time to offer prayers. Making a list is a useful way to make sure you remember to ask for what you need.
5: Learn a new surah by heart
To reap the benefits, try memorizing a surah, even a short one, and reading the English translation. Teaching a friend or a member of your family the surah you have learned is another way to increase your benefits. This is due to what our Prophet (saw) said: “Those who learn and teach the Quran are the best among you (Muslims).” (Uthman’s narration in Bukhari)
6: Give Sadaqah
Have you had this experience before? You decide not to miss anything and make a list of your objectives for the previous ten nights. You plan out how many pages of the Qur’an you want to read each night and write down all the du’as so you don’t forget any. It implies that you are ready and organized for the final ten nights.
However, one night—perhaps the 25th, 27th, or even a few days later—you forget to perform a crucial act of kindness. You overlook offering Sadaqah.
7: Alternate to keep your concentration
If you start to lose focus during your nightly worship, switch it up by praying some nawafil prayers, reciting the Quran, and then making Dhikr of Allah’s ⷻ most beautiful names. You will discover that by doing this, you are able to focus and stay in a state of worship for extended periods of time.
8: Special dua for Laylat-ul-Qadr
Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said: I asked the Messenger of Allah ﷺ
“O Messenger of Allah, what should I say on the night of Qadr if I know when it is?” He uttered these words: “O Allah, forgive me; you are the one who pardons and You love to pardon.” [Ibn Majah, Tirmidhi, and Ahmad]
9: Evaluate
Lastly, take the final ten days or nights of Ramadan to reflect on your routine and yourself. Would you like to transform yourself in a way that continually draws you nearer to Allah ﷻ and brings Him joy?
Could you read the Quran more often, be kinder and more forgiving, and spend some time studying the life, mission, and travels of the Prophets ﷺ?
It shouldn’t be too difficult for us to commit some time on a regular basis to learning and bettering ourselves in order to become better Muslims if we genuinely believe and value our religion.
May Allah ﷻ lead us down the correct path and inspire us to persevere and work toward His pleasure.
With The Best 10 Nights, you can automate your donations over the final ten auspicious nights of Ramadan, ensuring that you never miss Laylat al-Qadr. Don’t pass up the chance to get the most rewards from worshiping for over a thousand months—worship this night to reap the benefits.
Together, let’s make plans and, with any luck, make this Ramadan our most successful to date!