Antioxidants: your top 7 of super protectors

Antioxidants: your top 7 of super protectors


Our bodies contain millions of cells that need healthy building materials to do their jobs. They get those healthy building materials from healthy food. Burning sugars, carbohydrates and proteins in our body consumes oxygen, producing by-products called free radicals. Too much sunlight, stress, cigarette smoke, sugars, alcohol … also creates excess free radicals. Well, the role of antioxidants is to render the free radicals harmless. Because an overdose of these free radicals is linked to all kinds of diseases: cardiovascular diseases, cancer, inflammation, strokes …

So how do you get those antioxidants?

First of all, make sure you eat a wide variety of healthy foods. And fortunately, antioxidants are plentiful in delicious foods.


These are the number one superfoods! Especially the brightly coloured ones. Just look for meals that consist mostly of vegetables; plenty of choice.


All fruits contain antioxidants, although some varieties contain much more than others. Toppers are: forest fruits and all small red fruits. But also avocados, raw figs and pomegranates. Choose organic and preferably eat them with the peel.

Herbs and spices

Use these abundantly in the kitchen as they are absolute hits! Basil, savory, chilli powder, tarragon, ginger, curry, garlic, cumin seeds, ground turmeric, oregano, parsley, mint and thyme.


These are bombshells full of vitamins, minerals and enzymes. We should be eating a lot more of these building blocks. Top seller: broccoli sprouts. According to researchers, the effects of broccoli sprouts remain active in our bodies for days. For example, 30 g of these sprouts contain as much as 600 g of broccoli


Choose unroasted, unprocessed nuts: walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts and pecans.

Dark chocolate (more than 70%)

Tasty and healthy, but in moderation, of course. It contains magnesium and plenty of antioxidants.

The same goes for raw cacao powder. You can make very tasty snacks with this, and guilt-free!

Kernels and seeds

Toppers are sesame seeds and hemp seeds. You can add them to smoothies, soups, salads.

But, first useful your vegetables in great variety and only then choose superfoods!


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