Are climate activists or the pope ruining Christmas in St. Peter’s Square


Climate activists have launched a campaign in the northern Italian province of Trentino to prevent a 29-meter tall silver fir from being cut down to serve as a Christmas tree in St. Peter’s Square in Vatican City.

The 200-year-old conifer from a forest in the Ledro Valley was supposed to end up in St. Peter’s Square to be unveiled on Dec. 9. But that is not to the liking of many people with a heart for nature. They have written a letter to Pope Francis asking him to stop the plan. The activists speak of a “useless sacrifice.” “It is inconsistent to talk about fighting climate change and then maintain this kind of tradition that requires the elimination of such an ancient and symbolic tree,” they wrote.

200-year-old tree
Meanwhile, more than 40,000 people have already signed the petition to prevent the cutting down, and the inhabitants of Ledro are reportedly planning to erect a blockade so that the tree cannot be transported to Rome….

The Vatican itself has not yet responded to the commotion, but the mayor of Ledro, does put everything in context: “They are ruining Christmas just for a plant,” Renato Girardi told Italian media. “We only want to donate a pine tree and I want to emphasize that if the tree were not donated, it would end up in a sawmill. The pine tree that will be removed is part of one of the plots of land that must be felled for proper tilling of the forest,” he said.


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