Putin comes forward with very disturbing news

Putin comes forward with very disturbing news

The Russian president himself oversaw the operation: on October 29, new nuclear military exercises were held. During these maneuvers, and according to the Russian Defense Ministry, the objectives set were “fully…
North Korea kills Putin’s soldiers

North Korea kills Putin’s soldiers

A Russian unit suffered significant casualties after getting caught in the crossfire from an allied strike by their new North Korean partners. According to Western intelligence, Pyongyang has sent 12,000…
War looms as c ramps up nuclear programme

War looms as c ramps up nuclear programme

North Korea informed the United Nations that it intends to accelerate its nuclear program, just days after successfully testing intercontinental ballistic missiles. During a Security Council meeting, Kim Song, North…
How it felt to see Messi first

How it felt to see Messi first

I moved to Brazil just after the 1994 World Cup with vague and utterly naive ideas of trying to make a living writing about football. There were plenty of setbacks and…