BREAKING: Kim Jong-un threatens Washington and announces his toughest strategy against the United States
At a meeting of the ruling Workers’ Party held from December 23 to 27, Kim Jong-un “clarified” the strategy for implementing “the toughest anti-US countermeasure, to be launched aggressively”, reported the official KCNA news agency. The North Korean leader referred, among other things, to his sworn enemy, South Korea, which he described as “an anti-communist outpost of the United States” (even though the regime in North Korea was founded on this ideology).
According to a KCNA report, published in English, “the United States is the most reactionary country, which considers anti-communism to be its invariable state policy”. The Workers’ Party also took the opportunity to criticize relations between Japan, South Korea and the United States, regarding these 3 countries as “a nuclear military bloc for aggression”.