Creature with “pupil-less red eyes”: Images that terrorize France

Creature with “pupil-less red eyes”: Images that terrorize France


It was 2018, in the Alpes-Maritimes. A man claimed to have encountered a werewolf on the side of a road. A mysterious story that continues to fuel concern in the region. A witch was also reportedly spotted, in exactly the same place!

The apparition took place in the south of France, 6 years ago. Alain, a resident of the Paillon valley in the Alpes-Maritimes region, recalls returning home late in the evening from Monaco, wen he came across a strange, blood-curdling creature on the road just below the La Trinité cemetery. He’s convinced he saw a werewolf. This is a story he shares on Lionel Camy’s Youtube channel, a “blogger-youtuber and novelist with a passion for mysterious disappearances and criminal cases”, reports Demotivateur.

“As if he’d just eaten something”

The man in his fifties goes on to detail his frightening encounter. It was“a wolf-like animal with fiery red eyes”. Alain saw it through the light of his headlights. “I thought it was a dog, but it stood up on its two hind legs (…) the creature, was humpbacked, with enormous teeth”. The creature then approached Alain’s car. It wasn’t very big, maybe 1m60 or 70”, he recalls . He saw its whole body and head: “It has two straight, pointed ears. It had floppy arms, very slender fingers with very sharp claws. And very black hair! (…). What traumatizes me the most are her pupil-less red eyes. And its blood-red jaw, as if it had just eaten something.”

Twenty seconds Alain will never forget!


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