Dishwasher or hand washing: which method uses less energy

Dishwasher or hand washing: which method uses less energy


Do you let the water run while doing the dishes? Do you fill your dishwasher to the max? Do you rinse your dishes before putting them in the machine? Analyze your habits before considering one option or the other as the best. 

Water consumption

New dishwashers are extremely efficient and use very little water. For a 12-person wash, the new generation dishwashers use ten litres of water. A similar amount of water is used when you run the tap for one minute. However, it is impossible to clean the dishes of 12 people by hand in such a short period of time. 

Depending on your habits and the composition of your household, water expenditure will vary. A single person can do the washing up without the risk of seeing their consumption explode. On the other hand, a large family would be well advised to forget the manual solution and run the dishwasher.

Electricity consumption

The dishwasher, in order to perform, uses water and electricity. The machine consumes, in fact, 1 kWh of electricity per cycle, reports the media Tf1 info . According to ADEME (the French Environment and Energy Management Agency), energy use is around 171 kWh/year. This represents approximately 2.3% of the total annual energy consumption of a home.

Dishwashing, more ecological? If you do your dishes by hand, using hot water, be aware that you will also use electricity. To heat the water, it takes 2.5 kWh of energy… This is equivalent to leaving a hair dryer on for two and a half hours, underlines Tf1 info . 

Some useful gestures

  • use the eco cycle for the dishwasher; 
  • avoid hot water for hand washing dishes;
  • use eco-friendly products for both cleaning solutions. 


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