Elon Musk has released the first look at the Neuralink, the neural implant tech he owns, in action. Nolan Arbaugh, a 29-year-old quadriplegic, appears to control a remote digital touchscreen in order to play chess only using his neural impulses. At the very least, the footage appears to confirm that Arbaugh is alive and well, unlike the dozens of monkeys that reportedly died testing the implant. However, the footage is yet to be confirmed as genuine.
Furthermore, massive ethical issues surrounding Neuralink remain. While Arbaugh’s success, if confirmed, is great news for the industry, Musk is not the person many want leading the research breakthrough. Neuralink has been surprisingly covert for a Musk-owned company. However, many people believe that this is in order to mask transparency in hopes of increasing volunteer sign-ups. Neuralink is currently targeting those with severe, life-altering disabilities for human trials. Furthermore, there is no set timeline for a wider release of Neuralink.