Elon Musk’s good word to support Trump, under conditions.

Elon Musk’s good word to support Trump, under conditions.


Billionaire Elon Musk said that “anyone who opposes [America’s] values ​​is fundamentally un-American.” Words he said on stage at a rally in support of Donald Trump.

The boss of Tesla, X and SpaceX will crisscross the roads of Pennsylvania for conferences before the presidential elections. The goal is to support an image of America that he shares with candidate Trump. During the first meeting, which calls for others, the richest man in the world, of South African origin, hammered home that “Pennsylvania is crucial to the future of the world”. In his eyes, the Western world is in peril. Its only savior would be Donald Trump. Presenting himself as a great defender of freedom, Elon Musk has nevertheless reserved his public appearances for those who meet two conditions: being registered on the electoral rolls of the State of Pennsylvania and having signed a petition in favor of the first and second amendments. 

Do as I say, but don’t…

These are the amendments to the US Constitution on freedom of expression and the right to bear arms. These amendments also guarantee the right to freedom of religion and the press. Paradoxical (or not?) for someone who not so long ago published posts on social networks associating in one image the LGBTQIA+ cause, CNN, the Islamic crescent and star, the communist hammer and sickle, Facebook, Google, the tàijí tú (Yin and Yang) and vaccines, among others, with “brainwashing”. To enjoy the show, the next rally dates are set for Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh.


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