Stam has been on remand since being arrested by Dutch police alongside his parents, brother and girlfriend. Police reportedly solved an encrypted messaging service and found €100,000 (£84,000) in cash after raiding six homes and a camper van. While his family have been released from custody, a request to allow Stam to leave was rejected by a judge due to fears that he will flee to join his brother in Dubai. A hearing was held on Thursday but the 40-year-old wasn’t in attendance.
A prosecutor told the hearing on Thursday: “This case concerns hundreds of kilos of cocaine each time. I contend that Stam was a major player in the drugs world.”
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Stam spent three seasons with Wigan after joining the Latics in 2010. The pinnacle of his time in England came in 2013 when he helped the club win the FA Cup, although he didn’t play in the final. The defender left for Belgian side Standard Liege after the Wembley win and retired in 2016.
Stam will appear before a judge on November 28.