It was on Telegram this Tuesday, December 31: a group of pro-Russian militants claimed responsibility for an attack on the websites of several local authorities in France, including Marseille, Nice,Tarbes and Pau.
The hackers, part of the Noname057(16) group, began flooding specific connection sites, including sites for online administrative procedures, the public services site in New Caledonia and that of Montpellier town hall, until it crashed. This was a “denial of service” attack, with no data theft or leakage. Christian Estrosi, mayor of Nice, described it as a “serious and unacceptable act”, which will be “the subject of a complaint and a report to Anssi” (the French national agency for information systems security).
The sites were restored in the late afternoon of December 31. As France info points out, the consequences remain limited for the time being. The Paris public prosecutor’s office has opened an investigation, entrusted to the General Directorate of Internal Security (DGSI).
France denounces attack by pro-Russian militants on several local authorities websites