France on the verge of becoming untouchable with its hypersonic nuclear weapon
Where are we in terms of nuclear deterrence in France? General Stéphane Virem, commander of the Strategic Air Forces (FAS), answers the question.
In an interview with the magazine Air et Cosmos, Stéphane Virem returned to the case of the ASN4G, which he describes as “a nuclear missile capable of penetrating the densest, most developed enemy defenses”. The ASN4G is a warning message to all nuclear weapon holders: France, too, has the means to maintain and develop its deterrent capacity. This hypersonic missile should be operational in 2035.
According to the commander of the FAS, the ASN4G missile, in addition to being highly maneuverable, will be capable of “carrying nuclear fire” at a much greater distance than the current missile, namely the ASMPA. Its speed? Up to 8,500km/h, at least two to four times faster than the ASMPA, specifies Futura-sciences. Thanks to an increased range, the missile will be able to strike at very long distances.
And as Futura-sciences rightly points out, these new technologies are only worth it if they really exist, if they’re as efficient as described and if they remain unused (the basis of deterrence).