Glòria Mena on Wikipedia: age, biography, partner and relationship with Íñigo Errejón

Glòria Mena on Wikipedia: age, biography, partner and relationship with Íñigo Errejón


In the last few hours, the name Gloria Mena has been echoing on internet search platforms, after her ex-partner Íñigo Errejón was accused of gender-based violence against several women, which is why interest has arisen in her personal life and especially in her profile on Wikipedia .

Following his resignation as a member of the Sumar party, after being involved in accusations of violence from several women, attention is now turning to his last known partner: the journalist  Gloria Mena , who has made her position clear on the storm unleashed around the accusations of Íñigo Errejón.

The paths of Íñigo Errejón and the Catalan journalist Glòria Mena crossed for a purely professional reason. She covered Podemos for La Sexta and he was the party’s co-founder. In 2015, after the politician broke up with Rita Maestre, he began to take an interest in Gloria.

Who is Gloria Mena, Iñigo Errejón’s ex-partner?

Glòria Mena is a journalist of Catalan origin, born on November 30, 1989 , which means she is 34 years old , she is known for her work in the news programs of La Sexta, she has covered parliamentary information and has been a constant figure in the weekend programs of the chain.

The journalist was born in Amposta, Tarragona, moved to Madrid to pursue her professional career, and has worked on various communication projects in print and digital media, developing a clear and committed voice in feminist movements and the fight for women’s rights.

Glòria joined La Sexta in 2013, where she has been a constant figure in the news and weekend programs. Her human and direct approach in her interviews and reports has made her a reference figure in the media. In addition, she has developed an active presence on social networks, using her platform to promote messages of social justice and equality.

Gloria Mena with Íñigo Errejón Photo: courtesy
Gloria Mena’s relationship with Íñigo began in 2015. Photo: courtesy

Relationship between Gloria Mena and Iñigo Errejón

The  relationship between Glòria Mena and Íñigo  Errejón began at the end of 2015. They met professionally, as Glòria covered parliamentary information for Izquierda Unida and Íñigo was a prominent member of Podemos.

After 4 years of relationship, in 2019, the  ABC newspaper  pointed out that Errejón had gotten engaged to the journalist Glòria Mena, discovered on a getaway to La Rioja, where they were walking through the town of  Ezcaray  and eating at the Echaurren restaurant.

Although Glòria stopped covering Podemos, the two maintain a close relationship and have been seen together on several public occasions. Glòria has been a constant figure on La Sexta’s news programmes, while Íñigo has continued his political career.


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