Honduran woman shows off her German husband; they triumph on TikTok with humor and advice

Honduran woman shows off her German husband; they triumph on TikTok with humor and advice


The Honduran-German couple has gone viral on TikTok with content that mixes humor, culture and advice on scholarships and opportunities in Europe.

The Honduran woman with her German husband. – Photo: Courtesy.

Honduran Isell and her German husband Nico Hertweck are going viral on TikTok, thanks to their account @isellhertweck, where they share moments of their daily life and intercultural experiences.

With a mix of humor, dance and useful tips, they have managed to capture the attention of thousands of followers.

In one of her most viral videos, Isell, proud of her Latin heritage, appears dancing with rhythm and style, while Nico, with grace, tries to keep up with her, proving that not everyone is born with flavor in their feet.


Mi aleman no sera buen bailarin, pero ni modo🤣 Nuestro 1er video bailando y que pena hahah estabamos un poco timidos al hacer el video, pero bueno. Vestido: @SHEIN Camisa: @ZARA – Latina viviendo en Alemania – #latinayaleman #latinasbelike #latinabailando #alemanbailando #europeobailando #parejamulticultural #latinosviviendoenalemania #culturalatina #baileslatinos #hondureñabailando #bailandopunta #novioaleman #novialatina #mexicanabailandopunta #mexicanabailando #peruanabailando #españolabailando #germanculture #latinculture #latinwomen

♬ love me back Bronya Remix on YouTube – فورتنايت

The contrast between the two generated laughter among their followers, who applauded the German’s efforts to learn the Latin movements.

Another popular video of the couple shows Isell teaching Spanish words to her German husband, which not only reflects their process of learning a new language, but also the fun and loving dynamic they share in overcoming cultural barriers.


EL ALEMAN ES FACIL 🤷🏻‍♀️ Quiel diria que hay tantas palavras sinilares y eso aue encontramos otras mas similares del aleman al Francés 🫨 – Aprendiendo aleman facil y rapido 🤗 – Latinos viviendo en Alemania – #aprendiendoalemangratis #clasesdealeman #deutschlernena1 #aprenderalemanfacil #comparandoidiomas #deutschistschwer #alemanhablandoespañol #latinahablandoaleman #clasesdealemán #choquesculturalesalemania #casadaconunaleman #comovivirenalemania #latinosenfrankfurt #ellasentiktok

♬ original sound – Isell & Nico Hertweck

Is this what Latino families are like?

In addition to their funny anecdotes, the couple addresses more serious topics. In one clip, Nico narrates in an exaggerated and humorous way his experience meeting Isell’s Honduran family.

In the video, an intense family discussion can be heard in the background, a comic touch that reinforces the idea of ​​the cultural clashes they experience when combining their very different worlds.


They give advice on scholarships abroad

But it’s not all humor. Isell and Nico also offer advice on how to get scholarships, visas and jobs in Europe, providing valuable information to those looking for opportunities abroad.


MEJORES SITIOS ONLINE PARA ENCONTRAR EMPLEO EN ALEMANIA Xing – Red profesional, enfoque en países de habla alemana – Ofertas de empleo, páginas de carrera, networking Monster – Bolsa de trabajo global, amplia cobertura de sectores – Consejos de carrera, herramientas para currículum LinkedIn – Red profesional global, sectores diversos – Ofertas de empleo, páginas de empresas, grupos especializados Indeed – Bolsa de trabajo integral, variedad de ofertas de empleo – Evaluaciones de empleadores, información salarial Studentenjobs.de – Especialmente para estudiantes, trabajos a tiempo parcial y prácticas – Acceso fácil a ofertas de empleo relacionadas con estudios – #trabajosenalemania #comoencontrartrabajoenalemania #buscartrabajoenalemania #consejosparatrabajosenalemania #empleosenalemania #isellhertweck #nicohertweck #munsteralemania #indeedalemania #linkedinalemania #xingalemania #xinggermany #linkedingermany #studentjobsgermany

♬ original sound – Isell & Nico Hertweck




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