Following rumors circulating on social media about photos of the model supposedly with Real Madrid player Iker Casillas in a close and conspiratorial attitude, as if they were in a relationship, the Spaniard has been highly sought after by her followers on social media and many are wondering how many children María José Suárez has.
She recently announced that she is going on a well-deserved vacation. She told the media this when they surprised her at the airport before boarding her flight, and asked her about the photos with Iker. Here we tell you everything that is known about her family , her ex-partners and what she said about the images with the Real Madrid player.
Many people do not know about the family life of the Spanish model, however, she was once married, from that marriage, it is said that they started a family, but the relationship ended and she took charge of raising her family.
How many children does Maria Jose Suarez have?
The famous Spanish woman, who is professionally known as a successful model, has a son with businessman Jordi Nieto, whom they named Elías. So far, she only has one son, whom she spoils with trips and more, since recently, there was a publication and interview where they are seen together, about to board a plane that will take them to their destination to enjoy a “well-deserved vacation,” in the words of María José.
According to the photos she has revealed of her son, he is still a minor and she commented at the time that she has a friendship with Jordi, for the well-being of Elías. On her social networks, she has delighted her followers with videos and photos of her firstborn.
In one of the videos, they can be seen enjoying themselves together on the beach, while the model carries him in her arms and does several laps on the seashore, on the occasion of little Elías’s 7th birthday.
Her son was born on September 1, 2017. In the commentary on her video she expresses that 7 years ago she knew the true meaning of the word love, this when she remembers the moment when she gave birth to her only son, of whom Jordi is the father.
Who is Elijah’s father?
Jordi Nieto is a famous and well-known businessman in the business world. He is the head of Sabertia. Nieto is the president of other companies, such as: Latam Parts SL, whose purpose is holding activities, and Alqvemy Special Opportunities SL, dedicated to intermediation in securities transactions. Before Sabertia, he was at Venture Finanzas, Fibanc, BBVA and AB Asesores, always in the private banking sector.
Jordi Nieto and María José Suárez met in 2015 and, after several years as a couple, travelling around the world and after the birth of their son Elías, they decided to get married, and in style, in Greece in 2018. The couple decided to settle in the Dominican Republic, where they lived until their separation.
In 2015, when Jordi Nieto and María José met, he won her over with trips, dinners and endless laughter, many of his followers said they were made for each other. Their son Elías was born in 2017, and shortly after, they got married.
It is said that they are on good terms, after having separated, this due to the son they share together, so that he grows up with both of his parents and seeing their example, that despite the difficulties, you can always get ahead and in the best way.