Ilse Sepúlveda, who is the journalist involved in the controversy of the Undersecretary of the Interior in Chile?


Undersecretary Luis Cordero dismissed Ilse Sepúlveda, a journalist with the Public Security Strengthening Program of the Undersecretariat of the Interior, on Wednesday. This decision was made amid the controversy generated by the accusations against former Undersecretary Manuel Monsalve, who is facing a rape charge, according to Ex-Ante.

This departure follows that of Luppy Aguirre , head of the legal unit, in a context of growing public and government pressure.

Who is Ilse Sepúlveda, age, career?

Born in Molina in 1973, Ilse Sepúlveda has a degree in Journalism from the Uniacc University. Throughout her career, she has stood out in the public sphere with several important roles.

He began his career in 2006, at the Undersecretariat of the Interior, and then moved to Onemi in the Los Ríos region, where he held various positions. This experience allowed him to strengthen his profile in the public sector.

In 2022, Sepúlveda returned to the press team of the Undersecretariat of the Interior, working directly with Manuel Monsalve. However, she was dismissed at the end of August, amid political controversies.

Manuel Monsalve and Ilse Sepulveda
Manuel Monsalve and Ilse Sepúlveda, central figures in the controversy over the Undersecretary of the Interior.
Photo: Internet

Why was Ilse Sepúlveda fired?

In her statements to the Public Prosecutor’s Office, Ilse Sepúlveda rejected the accusations against her and denied having intimidated the complainant. According to her version, she only suggested that the victim consider “options with her family” due to her emotional state, but she assured that she had not pressured her to withdraw the complaint.

Despite her defense, the seriousness of the accusations influenced the decision of Undersecretary Luis Cordero, who opted to remove her from her duties in the Government.

This fact generated a new wave of questions in the political and social spheres. Ilse Sepúlveda’s dismissal has had an impact both in the professional and political spheres.

The Interior Undersecretary’s Office has faced increasing scrutiny since the case involving Manuel Monsalve came to light , which has kept public opinion focused on this issue.

Meanwhile, the government is considering what measures to take regarding the officials involved in the scandal. Society remains alert to the progress of the judicial process and the consequences that this case could have for the public administration.


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