Jaws” in France: Fisherman makes a terrifying discovery


It was at the beginning of November that a fisherman almost fell off his boat.

The encounter was sudden and… terrifying. The man who was passionate about fishing experienced an exceptional scene! There, in the waters of the Port-Cros National Park, in the Mediterranean Sea, a great white shark showed its fin.

A discovery that the fisherman filmed, and which he will remember for a long time to come. The superpredator measured nearly four meters long!

“A critically endangered species”

An appearance that warms the hearts of scientists: the species is in danger of extinction. The biologist and president of the Ailerons association, Mathieu Lapinski, declares: this is “super good news for this species classified as critically endangered and having almost disappeared from our French coasts, and even from the Mediterranean due to the very disparate level of protection depending on the country”.

In sharp decline

The Ailerons association even speaks of a “remarkable observation” in the south of the country. Before adding that the great white shark is “is indeed present in the Mediterranean, but in sharp decline”.

According to the Emergence Association, from 1989 to 1998, 85 observations were recorded, and only 46 between 1999 and 2008, or -45%.

“Now, it will be interesting to try to understand why the great white shark was there,” underlines the director of the Port-Cros National Park, Sophie-Dorothée Duron.


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