Kesari Okala, a prominent figure in social media circles known for his controversial persona, recently shed light on an altercation with Portable, a fellow controversial singer. Their encounter, which took place at the bustling Computer Village in Lagos, quickly escalated into a heated exchange, nearly culminating in physical violence.
The root of their dispute stems from a longstanding feud over the rightful claim to the name ‘Kesari.’ In a video capturing the confrontation, Portable can be seen striking Kesari twice amidst heated exchanges. Despite the provocation, Kesari made a conscious decision to exercise restraint, refraining from retaliating physically.
In a subsequent video shared on his social media platforms, Kesari offered insights into his decision-making process during the confrontation. He candidly admitted that while he was tempted to engage in physical combat with Portable, he ultimately chose not to succumb to that impulse. Kesari acknowledged the potential consequences of such actions, recognizing that resorting to violence would only perpetuate negative perceptions and possibly tarnish his reputation as an influencer.
Expressing frustration at the situation, Kesari addressed his followers, highlighting the dilemma he faced. He lamented the societal expectation that he maintain a certain level of decorum and civility, even in the face of provocation and aggression. Kesari’s reluctance to engage in physical violence stemmed not from a lack of resolve, but rather from a desire to uphold his dignity and avoid being labeled as a ‘hooligan’ by onlookers.
By publicly acknowledging his decision to refrain from violence, Kesari demonstrated a level of maturity and self-awareness. He grappled with the complexities of maintaining composure in the face of adversity, recognizing the importance of setting a positive example for his audience.
Ultimately, Kesari’s decision to exercise restraint serves as a testament to his commitment to personal integrity and the promotion of peaceful conflict resolution. In a society where aggression and confrontation are often glorified, his actions offer a refreshing perspective on the value of restraint and civility in navigating interpersonal conflicts.