A mysterious disappearance takes place in South Deerfield, Massachusetts (United States) in 1978. A man goes alone to practice cross-country skiing… He disappears and doesn’t return until 15 months later.
In February 1978, while snow falls on South Deerfield and nature is adorned with white, Steven Kubacki, a young 24 year old man sets off on a beautiful ski trip on the shores of frozen Lake Michigan… Only to resurface a year later, hundreds of kilometers further. He wakes up from a 15-month fog, in a field, dressed in brand new clothes, clean-shaven. Next to him, his backpack (also brand new); a pair of sneakers, a book by philosopher Confucius and a map of San Francisco in his pockets. But what happened during this “ski” trip?
The man remembers nothing, or almost nothing: “The last thing I remember is that I took off my skis near Lake Michigan one night, and that I walked straight onto the ice and that I was cold.”
Investigators had, at the time, concluded that he had drowned. Indeed, after the disappearance of the young American, they had carried out a lot of research and found footprints several meters ahead, on the surface of the lake, before stopping abruptly.
Paranormal intervention, amnesia, kidnapping, false story… 45 years later, the mystery remains.