Do you already know the bear suit trick? Probably not. However, insurance firms worldwide are already aware of it through a group of Americans. Very resourceful or just extremely dumb? Judge for yourself.
In the United States, four people tried to defraud insurance companies by declaring that a bear had vandalised their luxury cars. In reality, one of them turned out to have put on a bear suit and caused the damage himself. But meanwhile, they shamelessly asked for $140,000 for compensation for the alleged damage to their luxury cars.
Well-prepared deception
The men explained that a bear had crawled into the vehicles in Lake Arrowhead, a mountainous region near Los Angeles. The ravenous predator allegedly tore up seats and damaged doors. They even provided surveillance footage showing the ‘bear’ in full fury. But everything turned out to be staged. The US State of California’s Department of Insurance (CDI), which is responsible for regulating the insurance industry, reports that analysis of the footage showed that it was indeed a man in a bear suit.
The creative crooks allegedly filed a total of three claims, for two Mercedes cars and a Rolls Roys, each for damage caused by a ‘bear’. Incidentally, the disguise used was found during a search of the house. The four have been charged with insurance fraud.