A tragic story has shaken the fashion world, following the case of Thai model Sasinan Chuenlosang, 31 , who became the victim of an antibiotic.
After returning from vacation, Sasinan went to a hospital in Bangkok, Thailand with a diagnosis of tonsillitis. There, doctors prescribed him the antibiotic “Ceftriaxone.”
Although her condition worsened during treatment, doctors insisted on continuing the medication.
Within three days, the model’s body was covered in blisters, she lost vision in her right eye and suffered loss of mobility in her legs.
Due to the severity of her condition, doctors decided to put her into a pharmacological coma for a week.
Ultimately, it was determined that the cause of this devastating reaction was an allergy to “Ceftriaxone.”
What is Ceftriaxone ?
According to Medline Plus , an official U.S. Government site, ceftriaxone injection is used to treat a variety of bacterial infections, including gonorrhea (a sexually transmitted disease), pelvic inflammatory disease (an infection of the female reproductive organs that can cause infertility), meningitis (infection of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord), as well as infections in the lungs, ears, skin, urinary tract, blood, bones, joints, and abdomen.
It is also given before certain types of surgery to prevent postoperative infections. Ceftriaxone belongs to the class of antibiotics known as cephalosporins and works by killing bacteria.
It is important to note that antibiotics, including ceftriaxone, are not effective against colds, flu, or other viral infections. Unnecessary use of antibiotics may increase the risk of developing future infections that are resistant to these treatments.