Moscow wants to become Europe’s policeman – Russian propagandist
Margarita Simonyan is a Russian journalist. She’s editor-in-chief of the RT (Russia Today) news network, and of the government news agency Rossia Segodnia.
She’s considered one of the figures of disinformation and official propaganda of the Russian regime, especially since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. She’s also a regular contributor to the Soloviev program. Margarita Simonyan’s interventions are, to say the least, flabbergasting:
“There’s nothing good about us leaving Syria. I’d be happy if we could afford to be in Ukraine, in Syria, and, if we were called again, to deal with some terrorists in Kazakhstan, and, if we were suddenly called to Georgia, to deal with those American CIA protesters, and to be all over the world. I’d be happy if we could do that easily. We’d become the gendarmes of Europe, which we were for a time in the 19th century. Unfortunately, this isn’t yet the case.”