Netherlands follows German example

Netherlands follows German example


Following the example of Germany and France, the Netherlands will reintroduce border controls.

The Dutch government has reached an agreement on a new set of emergency asylum measures. Strict border controls are part of it. The Netherlands will introduce these border controls with Belgium and Germany from the end of November. The Dutch radical right-wing PVV party of Geert Wilders has been pushing for months to introduce a set of strict asylum measures with an emergency law.

Politician Geert Wilders is hailing the “strictest asylum policy ever” in the Netherlands and is stressing on social media that he is keeping his promises. In addition to introducing border controls, the Distribution Act will be abolished, meaning that Dutch municipalities will no longer be obliged to take in refugees. In addition, there will be “simple facilities” for asylum seekers with a permit. In addition, the duration of an asylum permit is being reduced from five to three years to emphasize the “temporary nature”.

“Foreigners who find themselves at the border and who are not allowed to come here or who have already applied for asylum in another country will be immediately sent back to Germany and Belgium,” said PVV politician Geert Wilders.


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