A video went viral on social media, showing a group of friends enjoying a get-together, not imagining that they were being watched by what many users describe as a terrifying “creature.”
The footage was shared on TikTok by user @salguerojuega , and in just 12 seconds, the video has reached 5.5 million views, causing a stir and divided comments about the identity of the disturbing “guest.”
The video shows the friends having dinner and telling anecdotes, until one of them notices a strange figure in the garden, near a swimming pool.
The figure seems to be staring at them from the outside, with a hunched posture, long hair and a blurred face that adds mystery to the scene.
“That’s called permatrago, it’s very common”, “That’s a statue”, “That looks real”, are some of the comments.
So far, the origin of the figure has not been identified, which has generated even more theories and speculation among Internet users.