It was 5 months ago in Charente-Maritime. The local association Avenir Santé Environnement had launched a campaign to collect hair and urine samples from 72 children.
The samples were taken in 6 municipalities in the Aunis plain, an area of intense cultivation of cereal, reports La Dépêche.
This weekend, the results were communicated to concerned local residents. During a public meeting, the association unveiled a damning investigation: traces of pesticides, some of which are banned, were discovered in the children’s bodies. “The closer they live to the fields, the higher the levels,” says toxicologist Laurence Huc.
In total, 45 toxic molecules were identified, or 4.4 per child on average. Banned since 2013 and 2018, neonicotinoids which were identified in 11 minors can have terrible consequences on the neurological development of children.
Since 2008, 15 cases of pediatric cancer have been recorded in the region. According to Santé Avenir Environnement, these cancers have cost the lives of two children. The association now wants a study to be carried out on a national scale, denouncing a “harmful cocktail for health”, specifies La Dépêche.