Selva Alemán’s sister: who is she, her age and what is known about her?

Selva Alemán’s sister: who is she, her age and what is known about her?


Meet the sister of Selva Alemán, a prominent Argentine actress with a career in film, theater and television, who left an indelible mark.

The entertainment world is in mourning following the loss of Selva Alemán , a renowned Argentine actress who began her career in the late 1950s, leaving an indelible mark on Argentine theater. Internet users have shown interest in knowing who her sister, husband and parents are.

Through the Argentine Actors Association, it was confirmed that the actress died at the age of 80 due to a heart attack. Her legacy in the theater will be remembered forever, marking an unforgettable stage in the cultural history of the country.

Fathers of Selva Alemán

Selva Alemán, daughter of Carmen Vallejo and Adolfo Juan Giorno or Roberto Denegri), adopted her stage name from her stepfather, the musician Oscar Alemán . Since the early sixties, she developed a distinguished career as an actress in television, theater and film.

In 1959, he took part in the program Historia de Jóvenes , directed by David Stivel and broadcast on Channel 7. His participation in this program marked one of the first milestones in his artistic career.

Alemán starred in several films, including Pimienta , El grito de Celina , Asesinato en el Senado de la Nación , Mamá Querida , and Guerreros y capilares . Her cinematic legacy is vast and varied, with numerous titles that established her in Argentine cinema.

Who is Selva Alemán’s sister?

After a search on Selva Alemán’s sister, the existence of India Alemán , who is believed to be her sister, and who works as a psychologist, was revealed through the Wikipedia profile of her mother Carmen Vallejo, and that of Selva Alemán’s own sister.

However, despite extensive research, no data on his personal life or relevant information about his family was found, leaving a gap in the known history of the Alemán family.

Did Selva have children?

The late artist was never able to have biological children , but Puig already had two children, Ximena and Juan, from a previous marriage. Thus, Alemán and the actor built their own family, including three grandchildren.

Ximena and her husband, Fernando, adopted two children, Nikolay and Elizabeta . ” The adoption process was complicated, with trials and rigorous paperwork abroad. Ximena went through numerous treatments and faced many frustrations ,” Selva and Arturo shared in an interview for “La Once Diez” a few years ago.


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