Singles’ Day, why it is celebrated today, interesting facts, origin and meaning of the celebration

Singles’ Day, why it is celebrated today, interesting facts, origin and meaning of the celebration


Why is Singles’ Day celebrated worldwide ? Where does this tradition come from? What does it mean to celebrate this day? Here we answer all these questions and give you more information on the topic that is currently trending worldwide for single people and also for those who are not single, since there are interesting facts about being single.

This date emerged in 1993 in China , when a group of students from the University of Nanjing defined this trend. Later, this celebration expanded to other groups of oriental students and then to other countries, until it became a popular event throughout the planet.

This holiday was commemorated to celebrate the pride of being single. It is celebrated on November 11th every year, and the date (11/11) was chosen because the number one represents a single person. Recently, the holiday has become one of the major online trading days in the world.

Singles’ Day has gone viral worldwide, as many people have adopted the holiday in their countries and have celebrated this date year after year; however, it is not always known what it means to celebrate Singles’ Day.

Image of Singles' Day, it is a yellow heart with black letters.
Singles Day is celebrated every November 11. Photo: Credits.

What does it mean to celebrate this day?

This day has its meaning, as do all the festivities and celebrations that have been commemorated throughout time. Celebrating Singles’ Day means celebrating self-love; however, many people think that being alone is bad, while others say that they prefer to be single than in bad company, so they celebrate this day enjoying themselves.

This day is chosen precisely because if the date is written only with numbers, the result is 11/11: it is the day of the year with the most number 1s and this digit is considered synonymous with a single person.

Image of a black and white calendar.
This date was commemorated in China, 1993. Design:

Fun facts about being single:

Singles tend to give themselves a gift

It is an event that shops and stores take advantage of to encourage consumption, with items designed for self-indulgence, so single people take advantage of the opportunity to spend their money on themselves.

Look good and be fit

A study conducted by the University of Basel in Switzerland and reported by the specialist website Medical News Today showed that while married people tend to eat better, they also tend to exercise less and therefore weigh more. Single people, on the other hand, tend to pay more attention to their figure.

Greater self-sufficiency

A quality cultivated during singlehood is self-sufficiency, which allows people to take care of themselves and experience fewer negative emotions, this is because they are used to feeling better alone and always motivating themselves, so they do not need others to feel good.

More social and active life

Single people tend to be more attentive and consistent with their family and friends, compared to those who are married or in a relationship, as they do not have time for others or say that their partner does not like them or prohibits them from talking to more people. Therefore, being single improves social life , clearly if you are an active person. 


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