Sussex gamer to livestream continuously for 90 days

Sussex gamer to livestream continuously for 90 days


A Sussex gamer is in the middle of a continuous 90-day livestream where he even sleeps on camera.

Toby Smith, who is known as Tubbo, has been streaming for his 2.87m YouTube subscribers and 5.3m Twitch followers.

The streamer, who lived in Bognor Regis before moving to Brighton, started the challenge on 1 March.

He said: “It’s more of a personal challenge for me to create the best content I physically can.”

Every time someone subscribes to the broadcast it adds a minute to a clock.

The stream is live until the clock, which is capped at 90 days, hits zero.

This year’s stream has included cooking shows, Dungeons & Dragons sessions, panel shows and games.

The event, which is named Tubbathon 3, is Tubbo’s third annual endurance challenge and more than triples his previous record of 27 days on stream.

The annual event started to mark his record of 430,000 average viewers on one of his streams.

He said the highlight of this year’s endurance stream has been passing his previous endurance record of 27 days.

Tubbo said: “It felt like a big moment. All my friends were there. It felt quite emotional. That has got to be my favourite [moment].”

As part of the continuous stream Tubbo has also visited BBC’s Children in Need and Brighton-based mental health charity Art In Mind.

He said: “It’s so cool to go to so many charities to raise money for so many good causes as well because we have more power than ever before to raise money.”

The 20-year-old said the toughest part of the challenge has been trying to keep a healthy sleep schedule while entertaining his viewers.



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