Terrifying, this river can burn you alive…a riddle for scientists

Terrifying, this river can burn you alive…a riddle for scientists


Its waters can reach 86°C! Any animal that dares to drink from it will be cooked instantly.

A boiling river

As Futura-sciences reports, the Shanay-Timpishka River, or “La Bomba”, is almost boiling. It remains a real mystery to the scientific world; its particularly high temperatures are in no way linked to volcanic activity.

Hot springs are generally due to the upwelling of water heated by intrusive magmatic rocks. Nothing to do with the Shanay-Timpishka River in Peru, in the heart of the Amazon rainforest and over 700 kilometers from the nearest active volcano.

A giant snake as an explanation

While geologists remain unclear as to the cause, shamans believe the phenomenon can be explained by the Yucamama spirit, a spirit that takes the form of a giant snake and symbolizes the “Sea of Waters”.

With the agreement of locals, research was carried out on “La Bomba”. According to Futura-sciences, the results suggest that rainwater infiltrates the region at great depth into the crust, via a network of fractures. According to the scientists, the water has to travel down to 1.4 kilometers to be sufficiently heated, before quickly rising to the surface via a fault.


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