The 7 lives of a cat? This feline died, was cremated, and then appeared alive

The 7 lives of a cat? This feline died, was cremated, and then appeared alive


A true story in England claims that a cat was resurrected after being dead for 4 days. Is it true that they have 7 lives? Find out all the details here.

The surprising true story of a cat that was presumed dead and then returned home has captured the attention of thousands on social media, who are wondering if the legend of the 7 lives of felines is true.

This story is not only heartwarming, but it also raises questions about the relationship we have with our pets and the extraordinary stories that sometimes seem to occur in real life. In a world where animals are considered part of the family, this case has resonated with many, generating wonder and curiosity.

hat happened to the cat with 7 lives?

The incident took place in England , while cat owner Nicci Knight was enjoying a holiday in Turkey, she received a call telling her that her beloved pet Ted had been found dead in the pond in the garden of her home in Newby, North Yorkshire.

Her neighbours showed Nicci the cat’s body via video call so she could believe the news. “It was a huge shock. They were holding what I thought was Ted. It was terrible, there was nothing we could do about it and it really affected our holiday ,” she said in an interview.

Ted, the cat who 'resurrected' after 4 days.
Ted, the cat who was ‘resurrected’ after 4 days. Photo: Nicci Knight.

The miracle of the cat that was resurrected after 4 days

The owner immediately contacted Elise Garbutt , Ted’s caregiver and her other pets, and asked her to arrange for the cat to be collected by a crematorium for incineration.

Four days later, Garbutt returned to Nicci’s house to feed Moosh, the family’s other cat, and was shocked to see Ted, who had supposedly died, walk through the cat flap as if nothing had happened.

In the midst of the amazement, the caretaker contacted Nicci, who was still on the road. “You won’t believe it: Ted just walked in! I thought I was seeing a ghost cat , ” she told her.

Nicci admitted that the whole situation was “crazy” and had put her family on an “emotional rollercoaster.” The owner contacted the crematorium to inform them of the mistake.

Whose cat had died?

The company had already cremated the animal, which had black and white markings very similar to Ted’s. Upon returning from her vacation, Nicci received the unknown cat’s ashes, along with a condolence card, a framed paw print, a small jar with a skin sample and a cremation certificate.

The woman has since begun searching for the owners of the deceased cat, but has been unsuccessful. “We know there is someone who misses their pet and is sad, so the search continues ,” she said.

Why do they say cats have 7 lives?

The belief, which has been present in popular culture for decades, that cats have 7 lives is not just an urban myth. Its origin lies in the specific anatomy of these animals, which allows them to survive extremely dangerous situations.

This myth has been passed down through generations and has reached various parts of the world, from Spain to Latin America, where the number seven has a special cultural meaning, like the seven days of the week or the seven deadly sins, and has become rooted in society in unique ways.

Unlike in Spanish-speaking countries, in Anglo-Saxon cultures it is said that cats have nine lives. This idea comes from Egyptian mythology, which relates that the sun god, Ra, descended to the underworld assuming the form of a cat with nine lives, including those of other deities such as Shu, Tefnut, Nut, Geb, Isis, Osiris, Nephthys and Seth.

On the other hand, in Turkish and Arab beliefs, however, cats are considered to have only six lives.

How many lives do cats really have?

Beyond fantasy, just like any other living being, a cat really only has one life, which must be protected by responsible owners of these adorable and amazing pets.

Cats’ anatomy has evolved over the years, allowing them to be both predators and explorers, with their existence closely tied to trees. This has led to the development of skills that allow them to handle falls.

Cats therefore have a light body, with very flexible bones and ligaments, and have developed a “righting reflex” that allows them to land on their feet in most cases. They also possess great agility, quick reflexes and an ability to make quick decisions, which explains their success in dealing with dangerous situations.



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