The countdown begins: Putin has only two months left

The countdown begins: Putin has only two months left


General Jérôme Pellistrandi, doctor of history and editor-in-chief of the magazine Défense nationale, warns of the inevitable passing of time. Winter is approaching and will cast a chill over the positions on the front.

According to the expert, the Russian strikes (236 missiles and drones) launched on 15 regions of Ukraine at the end of August are a punishment inflicted on the Ukrainians, as Russia has failed to find its way to victory on the battlefield. “Vladimir Putin wants to punish Ukraine! “Russia is failing to win on the battlefield, so today it is a question of punishing the Ukrainians by carrying out strikes on the entire territory. Energy infrastructure is particularly targeted, with the aim of breaking the Ukrainian war effort.”

Jérôme Pellistrandi also returns to the balance of power between the two enemy camps and to Moscow’s progress in Ukrainian territory, despite the offensive launched on Russian soil. The Russian army is advancing ” in Donbass and is now getting closer to Kramatorsk, the large city of 100,000 inhabitants. The objective today is to gain as much ground as possible before winter. There are two “useful” months left before the autumn rains that will freeze military maneuvers, on both sides. Each camp is therefore trying to score points as quickly as possible. There is also a political and geopolitical calendar, with the American elections on November 5.”

On the Ukrainian side, the doctor of history specifies that the Ukrainian forces are realistic in their objectives and do not want to go as far as the Russian capital. “The idea is to have the most assets in hand to arrive in a position of strength the day when negotiations are initiated between the parties. The whole difficulty is to know how far the Ukrainian army can settle in depth.”

And to add that “from a general point of view, this Ukrainian breakthrough is a humiliation for Vladimir Putin, whose “special operation” launched in February 2022 never went as planned.”


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