The case of a supposedly 188-year-old man shocked the world , however, it was all a lie and, through social networks, the truth of the media case that emerged in India was revealed .
Rescued from a cave, Viken Kushwah, as he was initially identified, was said to be 188 years old . According to the images, the man walked hunched over ; supported by a cane and a couple of men holding him by the arms .
The man was reportedly trapped in a cave in Bangalore and was taken to a hospital for treatment after being rescued.
After the case went viral , the alleged age of the man caught the attention of netizens, so that version quickly began to fall apart. It was said that the man was not nearly 200 years old, but that he was 110 years old and that his real name was Siyaram Baba.
The truth of the 188-year-old man
But the story did not stop there, and the whole version of the advanced age began to be refuted. Through digital platforms , a user identified as Anadolu Bey ended up collapsing the fantastic story and revealed the true age.
According to Bey, the man is 85 years old and is actually a well-known father in the area. Others added to the report of this netizen, which reinforced the truth: he was not a man of almost 200 years.
The truth is that the viral case caused a stir due to the alleged age and the state in which the elderly man was shown .