RFI journalist Régis Genté, author of “Notre homme à Washington” (Our Man in Washington), was on the set of French News Channel LCI to discuss the dangerous liaisons between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin.
For Régis Genté, who has documented and written a book on the matter, the special relationship between the two men is undeniable:
“You can see that there’s a little game that’s been set up, particularly in recent weeks, between Mr. Trump and Mr. Putin, with Mr. Putin pretending that he prefers Mrs. Harris to Mr. Trump, and Mr. Trump pretending to be outraged. So I think it’s ultimately a way of serving Trump once again, but in this case, serving his legitimacy.”
For Genté, the matter is clear:
“Trump is under Putin’s influence, as well as Russia’s. It’s a 40-year story and it’s been documented. We have plenty of evidence and sometimes proof that Mr. Trump was really cultivated by the KGB from the 1980s onwards and then by all areas of Russian power, the Kremlin, oligarchs, mafiosi even.”