The Osun-Osogbo Festival in Osogbo, Nigeria, is based on a folklore story that dates back over 600 years. The story goes that when the Osogbo community was founded, a group of migrants led by Olutimehin, a great hunter, settled on the banks of the Osun River to escape famine. One day, the river goddess Yeye Osun appeared to Olutimehin and asked him to lead his people to a new location, which is present-day Osogbo. In exchange for an annual sacrifice, the goddess promised to protect the group and bring them prosperity, including making the women fertile.
The festival is a celebration of Osun, the Yoruba goddess of fertility and water, and is part of a rich indigenous Yoruba religious tradition. It renews the contract between humans and the divine, with Osun offering grace to the community in exchange for the community honoring her Sacred Grove. The festival includes sacred dance, music, and other aspects of culture and lifestyle. Priestesses prepare offerings and sacrifices to the goddess, which may include chickens, ochre powder, potato chips, and gin. Festival participants may also collect and drink water from the river, believing it has healing properties and connects them with the goddess’s spirit.