The story of Nelly’s video about her alleged rape by two men has gone viral, as there are several versions of what happened and there are recent posts on TikTok and X , where they supposedly show what happened, however, they do not reveal the video , here we show you where to see it.
On the other hand, there are several versions on social media about the video . Supposedly, it talks about a rape in the first story, however, in other posts it talks about a strategy to gain followers. According to information from an influencer, Nelly was lip-syncing in the video and it wasn’t her.
They mention in a Twitter post (now X), that Nelly became known for her beauty and collaboration with Tiktokers like Enyyz and that Nelly’s first video is about her alleged rape, so the versions are different and it is not known exactly what the true story of the origin of the video is.
So many people have found out about the alleged leaked video of her rape and have searched the internet for the video, however, this video is not found on the internet , but rather, on another social media platform called X, where several people have recently posted the story in various versions.
Where to watch Nelly’s leaked video?
Nelly’s leaked video has been trending on social media, prompting many to search for the alleged original video, which says that Nelly is being raped by two men. However, it is not known whether the woman in the video is her or someone else.
In the video, a woman, who is supposedly Nelly, is seen being raped by two men. In the video, one of them can be seen holding her down while the other rapes her. In other videos on TikTok, the woman’s alleged screams can be heard.
But it is not really known if Nelly lip-synced (synchronizing lip movements with scenes without audio), or if it is actually the original audio of the video and she is the one who screams in the sexual assault scene, where someone records and a woman is seen at the door watching everything.
This video is on the X platform, formerly known as Twitter, where Nelly talks about the subject of her alleged sexual assault, however, it is not known if her real name is Nelly, since she is associated with another name, such as Deborah and there is a TikTok profile that is supposedly also hers.
Other versions of the trending video
Also in the story of Nelly’s video, there are versions of a man named Soum, who made several posts talking about the alleged reality of the video and describes who she is and why she made the video. In one of his posts, he claims that the responsibility lies with Nelly.
This man who made posts about Nelly’s video story, usually uploads violent content, from other influencers or controversies to his X platform, however, he has no information about his life and who he really is, or his connection to Nelly.
In X, there are several versions of the story, however, there are no official statements from Nelly. There is a video, where a woman claims that she was the one who suffered the sexual assault, however, it has not been proven, so they are only versions of the facts.