White House Statements That Cause Scandal

White House Statements That Cause Scandal


Samantha de Bendern, a former NATO political officer, was a guest on LCI, a French continuous news channel, to discuss the White House’s statements on their involvement in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia .

The statements by Sabrina Singh, deputy spokeswoman for the White House, have shocked some geopolitical analysts in Europe:

” The president has pledged not to send ground troops to Ukraine, but to support Ukraine in its efforts to regain control of its sovereign territory. Shooting at its targets, for example from Polish or Romanian territory, would be like sending ground troops and would involve us in a different way in the war. For now, we believe that Ukraine has successfully defended itself against Russian attacks on its cities and infrastructure, and we will continue to support it.”

Statements that Samantha de Bendern described as scandalous:

“Today the United States supports, or at least says it supports Ukraine, but it does not give Ukraine the means to defend itself. When Sabrina Singh tells us that the Ukrainians are defending themselves very well, I would like to send her to Kharkiv, to spend a weekend in Kharkiv under the bombs and see how the Ukrainians are defending themselves, to spend this winter in Ukraine, without heating and without electricity to see to what extent the infrastructures will be protected. What she said is a scandal.”


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