Who was Victor Noir and why is his grave the most visited in the world? You will be surprised by the reason
Due to a myth surrounding Victor Noir’s tomb, it has become one of the most visited graves in Paris.
There is a tomb in the Père-Lachaise cemetery in Paris that promises fertility and an improvement in sexual life for whoever touches it. It is the tomb of Victor Noir, a French journalist who died in 1870.
According to legend, whoever touches her genital area, kisses her lips and places a flower in her hat will get married in less than a year, may become pregnant or have an improvement in their sexual life , depending on what is desired.
The myth arose after 30 years after his death he was moved to this Parisian pantheon and in his honor the French sculptor Jules Dalou created a statue that represented the moment of his death.
However, for some reason his genital area was quite swollen , a fact that was enough for thousands of women to approach him to touch him and start the myth.
In 2004, a fence was installed around Noir’s grave to prevent this practice from continuing, as the sculpture was already quite worn in these parts, as well as the tips of his shoes , since there are those who say that touching him can grant one the birth of twins.
This fence had to be removed shortly after due to complaints from some women who were going to leave photos of their babies in gratitude for having fulfilled their wish to become mothers.
Who was Victor Noir?
It should be noted that the myth has nothing to do with his death, life or work, since Victor Noir was only a journalist who worked for the newspaper La Marsellaise directed by Paschal Grousset, in 1870.
His original name is Yvan Salmon, but he adopted his mother’s maiden name, which is why he was known as Victor Noir.
While his life was not very eventful, his death was, on the contrary, quite controversial, as he died at the hands of Prince Pierre Bonaparte , cousin of the then ruling Emperor Napoleon III.
According to some historical records, Paschal Grousset published a controversial article against Napoleon Bonaparte , an action that caused the prince to challenge him to a duel.
However, the editor of La Marsellaise sent two of his employees to arrange a time for the meeting, including Victor Noir.
But as the prince had no real intention of engaging in a duel, he shot dead the unfortunate journalist who became a republican symbol and hero.
Following his death, there were dozens of demonstrations and more than 100,000 people attended his funeral at the local cemetery in Neuilly.