Who is Leonarda Villalobos: age, biography, children, husband and relationship with Cathy Barriga

Who is Leonarda Villalobos: age, biography, children, husband and relationship with Cathy Barriga


Find out who Leonarda Villalobos is and why she was arrested for the Audios case related to Mayor Cathy Barriga.

In the last few hours, the name of Leonarda Villalobos has received media attention after she was transferred to a prison where she is serving preventive detention for the Audio case, after having a conflict with the mayor of Maipú, Cathy Barriga, who is also detained in the women’s prison in San Miguel.

According to Channel 13, the conflict occurred last Wednesday, when Barriga accused Villalobos and other women of mistreating her, so she filed a complaint with the Gendarmerie. This occurred after the women decided to collect money to buy a kettle.

Who is Leonarda Villalobos?

María Leonarda Villalobos is a lawyer, registered at the Universidad Boliviana in 2021. Although she was not a well-known woman in the media, her name gained popularity after the Luis Hermosilla scandal for bribe payments to public officials.

It is known that Leonarda served as a public official of the Undersecretary of Education in 2016, in the second government of Michelle Bachelet, and her father is Osvaldo Jesús Villalobos Castro, the SII inspector, since 1972.

Leonarda Villalobos is transferred from the prison due to a heated argument with ...
Leonarda Villabos is a lawyer who is in preventive detention for the Audio case. Photo: courtesy

What is Leonarda Villalobos’s age and date of birth?

Leonarda Villalobos was born in January 1971 in Valparaíso, which means she is 54 years old, although very little is known about her private life, La Tercera has revealed some details about her family and professional life.

Who is Leonarda’s husband?

Her husband is Luis Angulo Rantul, 63 years old, a public official who has been known in the ministries since 2002. The couple married in 2018, and lived together in Peñalolén, however, this changed when both were charged with tax crimes and money laundering.

Her relationship with her husband has been affected by these events, as both are facing serious charges and are physically separated. Leonarda is currently in San Joaquín prison, after having been transferred due to the conflict with Barriga.

Who are Leonarda Villalobos’ children?

Leonarda Villalobos has four children from her first marriage to Marcos Bratti . The names of her children have not been widely reported in the media, but it is known that there have been legal conflicts related to the custody of her children.

Although their names have not been widely shared in the media, it is known that they shared family moments and that she was involved in his daily life. However, the current situation and his imprisonment have inevitably affected this relationship.

Who is Leonarda Villalobos: age, biography, children, husband and relationship with Cathy Barriga


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